Oops! I did it AGAIN!

Logging into my ya.hoo email account this morning, I realized that I did it again!  UGH!!!  Over and over, I find myself repeating this process.  Each time I get so mad at myself, yet in a few weeks, I’m right back in the same place.  Enough is enough.  We know the definition of insanity, don’t we folks?  Of course we do!  The very brainy Mr. Einstein told us that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results.

Clearly, I’ve crossed the line into insanity.  Well, no more.  I’m done with it.  As of 9:41 EST, I’ve changed the course.  It was a tedious chore that took me about 20 minutes to complete.  Now that it’s done?  I feel like….like….like….like these guys!

I am hereby unsubscribed to ALL deal sites ala group.on, living so.cial, mam.apedia, plu.m district, saveo.logy, evers.ave, the daily de.al, kg.b deals, groo.p dealz, certi.fikids, doo.dle deals, bloom.spot, savem.ore, AND ALL THE OTHERS!!!!!

Seriously, my yah.oo box had turned into deal hell!  At least 50 new messages a day, all with opportunities to separate me from my hard-earned pennies.  And of course, soooooooo many of them were excellent deals.  Y’all know I love a good deal.  I’ve dined at some great places for half the cost, took the kidlet to cool places on the cheap, and truly made the most of the vouchers for places like ama.zon, e.bay and Whol.e Foods.

But, I’m also guilty of committing the worst kind of crime – letting the deals expire!  NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!   Yup, I’m afraid it’s true.  The thrill of victory upon acquiring the deal, has soured and turned to crap as I watch it expire.  Who can really eat that many cupcakes?  Why did I pick a spa that inconvenient to get to????  **Oh vey**  The only halfway decent thing is that you don’t actually lose any money.  If you read the fine print, your promotional value expires, but the actual dollar amount you spent to purchase remains yours to use at whatever the retailer is.  **whining**  But that’s NOT a deal.  That’s just me spending $20 on sushi.  I wanted my $40 value for the $20 I spent!!!

So,  yep, I’m done.  Finished!!  I’m done with them all.  Overreaction?  Perhaps, much like throwing the baby out with the bath water.  I’m ok with it though.  I’ll miss the allure, but I know my wallet will thank me.  Now I have to field all those puppy dogs eyes and softly worded emails about being missed.  Oh, but, um, erra, if the really, really good ones come around again, you know, like ama.zon or Whol.e Foods, y’all better holla at cha girl, m’kay?

Are you subscribed to daily deal sites?  How many?  Do you purchase often?  Do you use the ones you purchase?  Have you ever left them expire?