Insomnia Ramblings

  • Ah, I see.  Simply put, the Xbox Kinect is like a cooler version of the Wii.
  • Wonder if I can convince MrTDJ to buy Zumba for me.  He’ll probably say, “But you won’t use it”.  And he’d be right.  But I still want it!
  • I just looked through a folder full of digital pics of LittleTDJ. Guess he’ll be in kindergarten by the time I print them and frame them, huh?  That would require some actual picture frames, which I love, but never buy anymore.  Wonder why?  Hmm…Santa baby…
  • I really love pork, especially bacon.  Those “Other White Meat” commercials are pretty corny though.
  • I don’t think that you can ever have enough candles around your home.  Seriously.  I couldn’t tell you what scent is burning right now, but anything with Vanilla or Coconut is ok by me.  Hmm…Santa baby…
  • Being sick and congested sucks.
  • Sometimes Nyquil just doesn’t get it done.  BOO Nyquil!
  • Christmas music makes everything better.  Right now, “Soul Holiday” by the Sounds of Blackness is playing.
  • Some of you fabulous people have exposed me to soulful Xmas music I wasn’t aware of.  Now, if I just had an itunes gift card to buy them.  Hmmm……Santa baby……
  • Why on earth did Brandy and her whole family produce and release a song together?  Yup, I heard it on the radio the other morning.  Really.   Yes, even Ray J.  I sure hope they don’t make a video.
  • I’m a sucka for anything monogrammed or with my name on it.  Think it comes from my parents.  My name was always somewhere – painted on my room door, carved in my jewelry box, on my backpack, gold bracelet, etc.  Nowadays, I love stationary with my name, initial bookmarkers, etc.  I even saw a little tissue packet with my last initial and almost bought it.  It’s a sickness.  Hmm…Santa baby…
  • I’d love to watch The Millionaire Matchmaker and Steve Harvey have a discussion.  They are both killing their hustle and kinda giving the same message, packaged differently.  Wonder if they’d see it that way.
  • Really, I just like gifts.  I’m pretty easy to please.  For real Santa baby, I’ll love whatever gift I receive.
  • Sometimes, when I can’t sleep, I’m tempted to wake up everyone else in my house.  Selfish and evil, yes, I know.  But hey, it’s just a thought.  I wouldn’t actually do it.  Or would I?

43 thoughts on “Insomnia Ramblings

  1. I want Zumba too. That’s funny. i love, love, love, Holiday Music. Bacon is the best pork ever created. I love candles too. You always on my girl Brandy. LOL Hope you got some rest and that you get everything your heart desires for Christmas. Have a Good Day T.

    • Isn’t bacon just heavenly?? *lol* I seriously don’t understand how folks go without it!
      I know you love B-Rocka, but she’s just so boring to me.
      Ha, my “Santa baby” references were just tongue in cheek for a “Christmas in Blogworld” that a few bloggers are doing.

  2. Loved the picture, Taya, because unfortunately I can totally relate to insomnia. I lie in bed looking exactly like that picture. And I only have cats in the house to wake up.

  3. Insomnia seems to be my friend lately but at least I have friends who are enjoying the sounds of the night with me.

    I cut the coupons to get frames and never make it to the store! What is scents that all about.

    Are those LB scents you are burning? I have not gone to the dark side yet.
    You have a kinetic I have none of those game 😦

    • What to do Tracy, what to do??? I’ve tried melatonin and various breathing/relaxation techniques, but nothing seems to work.
      I do have some LB tarts, but they make MrTDJ cough, so I had to stop burning them. Last night I was burning a good old Yankee Candle.
      Come one over to the dark side. Me thinks you’ll like it!!

  4. I used to have bad insomnia, could not make my mind ‘rest’ for anything. Haven’t had a bout with it for some time though…thank God!

    I think The Millionaire Matchmaker is some funny stuff. Interesting to reference Steve Harvey pimping the same stuff. Hmmm…have to think about that. I’m not a fan of Steve Harvey or what he peddles but that requires some thought.

    Feel better soon!

    • Yeah, think about that pair a little. They SEEM to both advocate “traditional” male/female roles, ie, letting the man pursue, not sleeping together too soon, etc. They attack it from different angles, but I think they might actually be preaching the same gospel.

  5. I want to get Kinect but I don’t even use our Wii so there really is no reason to get it. Other than I want it. And sometimes, that’s reason enough.

    I don’t eat meat anymore but the one thing I miss the most, is the sweet delicious taste of bacon. That and pepperoni pizza. *drool*

    I don’t do candles as much. I’m an incense addict. I’m always lighting up. Like an incense crackhead.

    • Exactly! I want what I want. I do think that we’ll be using the Kinect more than the Wii though. We’ll see.
      I don’t know that I could stop eating bacon. Other meats? Yep, I’d leave them if I had to, but there’s something about bacon.
      HA HA @ being an incense crackhead. I love them but they make MrTDJ cough too much, so I can’t burn them around the house.

  6. Xbox Kinect better than Wii? I might have to call Santa too. Our household is still rockin with the original Xbox 🙂

    I still don’t know what Zumba looks like being done. I’ve had it described to me and it sounds like fun. Maybe one day.

    Nyquil/Dayquil does nothing for me!

    I stayed with something personalized/monogrammed when I was a kid. My mother loved giving gifts like that. Actually she still does 🙂

    • Yep, I think you guys will love the Kinect. So interactive and fun.
      WTH with Nyquil/Dayquil???? Folks seem to love it, but it won’t take me to la la land. I’m afraid to take more for fear of an overdose.
      GO Mama Janeen! Love her!

  7. I’d never had issues sleeping. I could fall asleep anywhere and stay asleep … until this last trip. I am still functioning in the Turkish time zone. They are 10 hours ahead of CA. I have been waking up anywhere between 2 AM and 6 AM. This process is so bad I’m actually on time for work these days!

    I have stopped fighting the sleeplessness and started getting up and doing something to pass the the time–tidying a dresser top, dusting, folding a load of clothes, sorting and tossing paper.

    I am feeling a lot better about being awake and something is getting accomplished.

    BTW: subtlety is one of your strong suits with the Santa list 🙂

    • Oh no! I hope your sleep patter gets back to normal soon. Getting to work on time is a good thing, but collapsing later? Not so much.
      I used to do more constructive things, but then I realized that when the alarm finally rang, I was TIRED.
      HA HA! I had to get it in some way!! Hopefully my blog Santa is reading! =)

  8. * I want Zumba!!
    * I need to print some pics, too! My grandma would be so happy!
    * MMMMMMM bacon.
    * I am absolutely NOT a candle person. ESPECIALLY Vanilla or Coconut.
    * Being sick and congested is the WORST!!
    * Christmas music makes everything better. Right?!?!?!!?
    * Why would you say even Ray J?? He’s not the least musical member of the fam. I’m like even daddy who seems to almost be a deaf-mute??? LOL
    * I was just thinking I want to start getting my dress shirts monogrammed! Love it!
    * ROTFL @ The Millionaire Matchmaker and Steve Harvey!
    * I lOVE GIFTS!! But… I can’t say I’ll love whatever gift I receive. I give you plenty of ideas… cmon son. It’s not that hard.
    * I say wake ’em up!! LOL

    • It’s sad because I actually have 10gigs worth of digital images on my laptop and external hard drive. Ask me how many pictures I’ve printed. Yep, that many.
      BACON baby!! Such a wonderful thing!
      Really @ no vanilla or coconut?
      Bwahahaha @ Brandy’s dad? You watched their show too? Pops was funny!

  9. being sick does in fact suck majorly and Nyquil will disappoint for sure!

    i am glad you didn’t wake anyone else up

    i won’t be getting anything for Christmas sad but true such is life oh wait maybe from my god children

    now what to gift myself ummmmmmmm

    • No, I didn’t wake anyone else up. It would have just been more work for me anyway. The solitude was better.
      Make sure you gift yourself something EXCELLENT!!!! You deserve it!

  10. I have a friend who teaches Zumba to senior citizens. She says that they love it. I’ve never tried it.

    I let pork go a lifetime ago. I now get sick if I eat it.

    I love candles and probably have enough to fill my whole house, but most of them are still in boxes.

    I hope that you get everything you desire from Santa. I’ve never liked every single gift that I’ve received. Some of them remain in their packaging, at the front door.

    • I’ve never done an actual Zumba class, but I watched and it was great! *lol*
      Really??? How long since you gave up pork?? Was it hard?
      Well, let me rephrase that – I love the THOUGHT behind every single gift. Some are definitely destined for the “regift closet”. =)

  11. SERIOUSLY, TAYAMAE!?! Are you begging? Don’t you know enough begging women in DCSG to know better? Or has it rubbed off on you too? Next thing I know you’ll be pregnant begging us to bring you some sort of fast food! UGH! Oh wait…did I say too much? Anyrandomway, the only thing that I remember you specifically mentioning is bacon (sad, right?). Do you know I met a man who only likes turkey bacon? You know that’s grounds for never talking to him, right? #thisiswhyimsingle

  12. When I wake up in the middle of night, there’s nobody in the house but me of course, so I get to walk out of my bedroom and hope there isn’t an intruder (#NoAntoineDodson) that I’d have to whoop up on.

    And Steve Harvey ain’t shit, pardon the language.

  13. Omigoodness, I was just thinking the same thing as I just took picture number 1011 on my cell phone. The last time I backed it up was at pic no 239, it is just so much easier to take and send pics from my cell. That is just too many pics to go through, I will just wait until a good sale then get them all printed out then put them in the closet with the other pictures that need to be put in a photo albumn, HAAAAAA!
    Wow, you love pork huh? You already know where that is going. 🙂
    Zumba is funny, the gym, near Chip-olte, has a window wall you see people in there jerking and jumping around-totally not what the instructor is doing, always a good evening laugh.
    Glade has some good candles out now and they ae less than $3. Stocking stuffer for T, he loves candles. We need them with 3 diaper booties!

    • Please! Let’s not talk about shoe boxes full of photos. I was doing a good job of scrapbooking before little dude came along, but now? I haven’t scrapped in two years.
      HUSH UP re my pork confession!
      Ha ha! Yes, I have a few Zumba folks and it’s definitely chuckle worthy. I want to join the fun!

  14. I want the Zumba for Wii but I know I’ll use it for 2 weeks and then quit. I also want the Michael Jackson Experience. Same thing. But it just looks sooo fun.

    When I can’t sleep or I wake up early, I call my mom or my sister ~ if I’m up, they better be up too.

    • See? Me too! I just want them. I’m sure it’ll be a passing fad, but I want to experience it. Kinda silly, but hey, it’s the little things that make me smile.
      Ha ha @ you calling to torture mom and sis. I decided to let everyone remain sleep.

  15. You messed up. You’re not allowed to put sing/song and Ray-J in the same paragraph. I was gonna tell Santa to hook you up with some gifts but after that mistake, nah son, you short!

    • Bwahahaha! See, I was just sharing the tomfoolery that I heard on the radio in an effort to keep my peeps informed.
      And then I get punished! Reconsider Fresh, reconsider!!

  16. You know WE are HERE on bacon! I am still crackin up at what you said about it on Jameil’s blog “I thank God all the time for making pigs, because bacon is one of my best friends!” That still kills me!

    I heard Mucinex D or DM is the business on congestion. The only caveat is you have to cough out that yuck!

    I think the Norwoods can sang even the daddy. Now if the mama is warbling
    ( remember when they said that in Five Heartbeats?? I always wanted to use it in a sentence! LOL!) I got questions???

    I love monograms too!! Oh when Juicy Couture started the monogram on sweats a few years back? To die!

    Unfortunately I don’t like all gifts. People should know me by now. My sister gave me a plastic watch one year and was mad when I didn’t like it Really? sister really? My mother bought us all matching leatherette/possible leather jackets off of the TV. I just laughed out loud again. Really mama? Really? LOL! I leave enough hints if in doubt gift cards suffice.

    • Oooh girl! I forgot I even wrote that, but it’s SOOOOOOO true. LOL!
      Yeah, I took it for 2 days and it was icky, but it did help alot.
      LMAO @ warbling! What you doing quoting Eddie King Jr?????? That’s my movie!!
      Not leatherette! I’m done with you today!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!

      • Girl The Five Heartbeats!!!! WHAT? Dont get me started sings *I got nothing but love for you baby* continues *a heart is house for love* LOL!!! I can watch this movie at anytime. It’s my favorite!! I know all the lines and sing all the songs. Girl Eddie! I will bust out a line from him in minute! “You want my spot Flash, well you ain’t gone get it cause you ain’t got it. ” Bwhahaha!

  17. Will I be banned from commenting because I hate bacon? I hate pork actually.

    I lovee Wii fit. Its so much fun and we make it a competition. My dad always gets the highest scores with his ol competitive tail!

    I like brandy but I can’t stand to hear her brother sing anything.

    I sometimes wish I could fall asleep when jasmine does around 7 but it never happens. I never get to sleep until around 11 and then wonder why I can’t get up in the morning.

    • Nah, we’re still cool peeps. I don’t really UNDERSTAND how you don’t love bacon, LOL, but you’re still welcome to hang out with us pork lovers!
      Wii fit is very cool! I love hula hooping and my son loves to watch me and laugh. 0_o
      Man, don’t they sleep so soundly and they seem to not have a care in the world. To trade places for just a day!

      • Ok as long as we’re still cool! Lol. I just can’t do bacon/pork

        Jasmine gets on the wii and stomps. Its so cute! And she loves to get the controllers and think she’s playing.

        Yea i’d like to trade places with the baby for sure. I love the way she sleeps.

  18. I just want the Zumba DVD and the little moroccas (the red squiggly is telling me I spelled this word all kinds of wrong.) LOL

    I LURVE me some candles!

    Forget that NyQuil and get yourself a bottle of whiskey! Same difference (kinda) but it has the same affect…….and I bet you would sleep through the night too. LOL

    A Norwood Family Christmas? I’ll pass.

    “Sometimes, when I can’t sleep, I’m tempted to wake up everyone else in my house.” Of course my evil ass wants you to try it so you can see what happens….LIVE! Ha!

    • BWAHA @ Whiskey! I usually don’t keep anything but Amaretto in the house, but I might need to hit up the liquor store. My luck? I’d get to sleep and it would be the night that my son decides that HE doesn’t want to sleep through the night.

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